How to Bring the Laughter Back Into Your Marriage

12 Simple Ways to Give Your Loved One a Mental Hug

The facial muscles that make you smile when you laugh are coincidentally (or not!) neighboring the very part of the brain that is also responsible for the production of serotonin.

How to Bring the Laughter Back Into Your Marriage

Serotonin controls sleep, memory, learning, temperature and—you guessed it—mood and behavior.

Here comes a simple truth.

Your Kids Should NOT Come First

How to Feed Your Marriage the Oxygen It Needs

Have you ever listened to the instructions that airlines give you just before the airplane takes off? That is, to put on your own oxygen mask first before putting them on your kids.

Who comes first spouse or children

Why would the airline want you do that? Isn’t your duty as a parent to take care of your kids first? Actually, no. The reason is simple. Should you become faint from lack of oxygen, you won’t be much good to your kids at all! Many couples fail to see the same logic when it comes to their own relationship.