What Do You Want From Your Relationship?

How to Create Your Relationship’s North Star?

Imagine the navigation system you have in your car or on your phone. If you put in an exact address, the device will lead you exactly where you want to go. 

How to Create Your Relationship's North Star

If you get lost or get off track, the system will recalculate and prepare a new route for you. So, while the goal or the target remains the same, because the conditions have changed, the plan has changed as well.

Let’s now imagine, while still using the same navigation device, you do not know where you want to go. Well, as we all know, even the best navigation device will not be able to help you.

My question is, “What did you put in your relationship’s navigation device? Do you even HAVE a desired destination?”

How to Create Your Personal Life Plan

Your Ultimate Guide to Designing the Life You Want

Most people have never been asked to contemplate the question “What do you hope to achieve in your life, and what kind of person do you want to be?”

How to Create Your Personal Life Plan

We are used to thinking hard and planning our education, career, and perhaps buying our first home. Heck, we are able to spend countless hours on planning our next summer vacation! But I have met very few people in my life who have a plan for their life.  

The Journaling Template that Changed my Life

And Made me a Better Husband, Father and Friend

I started journaling five years ago. It became almost a ritual in its own right, because it changed my life in so many positive ways.

The Journaling Template That Changed My Life

In my previous article I outlined numerous benefits of keeping a journal. This post is about a specific process and writing prompts that I use to lead my thoughts and keep things tidy and structured.

Pick the Flowers, not the Weeds

We Have No Scar to Show For Happiness

When my wife and I were in our deepest trouble, one of the “themes” was our relentless focus on the things that didn’t work.

Negativity in Marriage

I know all too well how horrible it feels when your life mate starts to see only things they don’t like. Things you screwed up (again). Sometimes it seems they are on a mission to prove that they are right (and you are wrong).

Sometimes it feels like your spouse is deliberately overlooking the overwhelming number of things that do work. The scary part is that even the most loving couples can get hung up on negative beliefs about each other pretty easily, without even noticing.