The Trust Formula Revealed

The Quickest Way to Rebuild Trust

Trust is like love. Both parties have to feel it before it really exists. While trusting and being trustworthy are related, they are not the same thing.

Trust Formula Revealed Feel Good Rituals

 In this post you’re going to discover the Trust Formula and the most important elements of trustworthiness. It will show you which areas you should focus on in order to fix shaken trust or to avoid breaking it in the first place. 

Why You Should Avoid Unsolicited Advice

Insanely Simple Solution to Something Everyone Hates

I was a really bad listener for a very long time, and truth be told, so was my wife. We sucked at just listening. We often became irritated, or even angry at each other before we got a chance to get to the point.

Avoid Unsolicited Advice

Looking back, I realize there was a simple, yet not immediately obvious, reason.

How Much Time Together is Enough?

How to Prevent a Drift to the Bottom?

When you’re in love with someone you’re going to organize your schedule to make them a priority. Then you get married and you kind of get accustomed to having each other around.

Spending time together

Gradually, everything else seems more important, and the relationship drifts to the bottom. Then one or the other partner (or both!) get dissatisfied, and they start looking for excitement and adventure elsewhere.

How to Instantly Lower Your Spouse’s Defenses

Little Known Tip to Start a Difficult Conversation

You might remember the Lieutenant Columbo TV series, with Columbo played by Peter Falk? For the uninitiated, Lt. Columbo was that trenchcoat-wearing, cigar-smoking television detective of the Los Angeles Police Homicide Bureau. The show ran off and on from 1971 to 2003.

How to Make Your Spouse Listen to You

Columbo was an exceptionally successful detective. He used his humble ways and ingenuous demeanor to put people at ease, allowing them to open up and tell him things they otherwise wouldn’t. Here’s how this relates to your conversations with your spouse.

9 Marriage Myths That Will Make You Permanently Unhappy

False Expectations That Can Damage Any Relationship

You’d probably laugh and call me crazy if I told you I’m expecting to see the sunset in the east. You and I both know this won’t happen.

Marriage Myths Unrealistic Expectations

You may find this example to be silly, and yet I see many couples living in misery because in their relationship they are expecting to see the sunset while looking to the east.

By doing so, they are setting themselves up for perpetual disappointment and frustration. This post covers the 9 most damaging expectations that can break up any relationship and keep you miserable and unhappy for a very long time.

22 Proven Ways to Screw Up Your Marriage

Looking to get rid of that spouse of yours?

This post is about proven ways and “best practices” that will split your relationship right down the middle. These methods work flawlessly, no matter what stage—or state—your relationship is in right now.

Growing apart in marriage

As a special bonus, you’re going to learn how to become a jerk in your loved one’s eyes (or how to become a greater one).

The Silent Killer of Relationships

Watch Your Thoughts, Before They Become a Reality

You become what you think about. You’ve heard this saying before, right? Similarly, a happy or an unhappy marriage always starts with a thought.

Unmet Expectations in Relationships

How couples think and what partners believe to be true about each other matters much more than lack of communication. If negative beliefs prevail they can kill any relationship, including yours. This post is about how you can prevent this from happening and directly influence how you and your mate think about and perceive each other.

How to Know if You Are With the Perfect Partner

Is the Grass Greener on the Other Side?

Even the most die-hard lovers eventually discover that their loved one is not “perfect” after all. For some, this represents major frustration.

Grass Not Greener on the Other side

For others, this is a reason to start contemplating a way out. Here’s the thing. You can look for the perfect person your whole life, but this will only make you permanently unhappy.

Here’s why.

My Spouse Should Make Me Happy

How Not to Fill the Gaps in Your Life

It’s almost the same kind of mistake as having a baby to repair a broken relationship. Many people wrongly believe their intimate relationship is supposed to heal their troubles, solve their personal problems, and bring purpose back to their lives.

Spouse Should Make Me Happy

In other words, they expect their partner to fill the gaps in their life. They even marry for that reason. What a terrible mistake!

Your Kids Should NOT Come First

How to Feed Your Marriage the Oxygen It Needs

Have you ever listened to the instructions that airlines give you just before the airplane takes off? That is, to put on your own oxygen mask first before putting them on your kids.

Who comes first spouse or children

Why would the airline want you do that? Isn’t your duty as a parent to take care of your kids first? Actually, no. The reason is simple. Should you become faint from lack of oxygen, you won’t be much good to your kids at all! Many couples fail to see the same logic when it comes to their own relationship.