Most people think that if you do a poor job, you get poor results. You do a good job, you get good results. If you do an excellent job, well, then you get excellent results.
To me, this is plain wrong. This is not how the world spins, though I wish it did.
I believe this is especially valid for marriage and relationships. That’s because we are talking about what is probably the most important decision in your lifetime. You decided to spend the rest of your life with another human being, who you love and want to grow old with, and who has a huge impact on how successful you’ll be in life.
Where Does Doing a God Job Get You?
I believe this is what really happens and it’s closer to reality.
That being said, most of the time, most of us do a good job. At least, we try to. We juggle the demands of everyday life to the best of our ability.
But, that’s exactly what brought my wife and I into a big mess that almost didn’t end up well.
Is Your Relationship Truly a High Priority to You?
Back then, I always thought I was doing a good job in our marriage. Heck, I even thought I was doing an excellent job.
In reality, I wasn’t.
It seems so unfair. I’m sorry to say this, but just doing “a good job” isn’t good enough.
How so?
That’s exactly what I was doing for over a decade!
Even though I always loved my wife I didn’t put my relationship high enough in my list of priorities.
It should have been much higher.
Doing only a good job means you will get not-so-good—or perhaps even outright poor—results.
On the other hand, if you do an excellent job, you’ll get good results. And if you do an outstanding job, then you may enjoy extraordinary results, reaping rewards big time. In terms of relationships, I think you should be shooting for no less than an excellent or outstanding job.
Successful couples maintain high standards for their relationship.
- They don’t put their relationship on cruise control.
- They don’t let things slide.
- They don’t give up and live in apathy, thinking, “This is what happens to normal couples.”
- They actively make sure their love juice doesn’t get too many toxic ingredients mixed in it.
Even though it sounds intimidating, it’s not.
What Can You Do Today?
From now on, nothing will stop you from doing an excellent job in your relationship. Fasten your seat belt and get ready, because I have an awesome new marriage webinar for you. It was created by my friends Dustin & Bethany Riechmann over at Engaged Marriage, and it might be a good fit for you.
The good news is, it’s FREE for members of Feel Good Rituals community.
- How to make dramatic improvements in your communication, sex, intimacy in just 15 minutes
- The 2-minute romance technique you can use immediately to make your spouse say “WOW’ (without them even realizing you did it)
- How to make real progress towards living your Dream Marriage over the next 28 days even when life is super busy
- Exactly how to get started this week with a step-by-step plan that ensures you see quick results in your marriage… WITHOUT sacrificing all your precious family time
I’ll let Dustin and his wife Bethany tell you much more in their FREE web class. They have multiple times available to ensure you have an opportunity that best meets your busy schedule!
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